
Date: 10/6/2010

The Scanner..

Form Game winnera 'scanner' a to All Players .. I don't want any player to feel sadness for loosing against me . You can not defeat me , its not an option and you not qualified to any higher level of understanding everything from around you hope to take many people to be qualified to all other levels..That why I am helping you to change as I can the future waiting for you to be much better one than what u already get ! .. there is a bad future waiting each one trying not to join Illumination Movement ! That is a Fact.. its pure simple information but its hard to get what it realy means since you are not the same yet and thats is enough to make you unable to think to find answers in a clear accurate way yet.. you in contact with strange people whom still thinking like people lived in the dark ages ! avoid them coz they are pulling all of you back to be like them . according to many scientific reasons they living and thinking badly like that ! they unable to be as you and the reason of that is worshiping life and enjoying being here. especially if they are believing in reincarnation.. can you imagine what a tyrant can do with his power during his life time believeing in that?! simply nothing stopping him except destroying life and the planet upon his head !!! you think God can accept to lose against any of you?!! No Way... I want to give u all u need to know and you pay me in return you loyalty until forever your own eyes you see what I am willing to do as a painful punishent to the others! I will remove them out as I already did 2 all humans already controled over them somedays before. or you can say almost removed them . and hope not to remove them coz I hate that and do it only if I had to do it .. to those believing that the winner is a killer then I will kill all such kind of problems . and take that as a standerd to anything else people might believing in about the only winner.. let me give u more lights to light up ur mind with amazing thought .
